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Practice Areas

Making Changes To Custody And Support Agreements

If everything stayed exactly the same, there would never be a need to revisit child custody arrangements and support payments. The reality is that life changes. Work schedules vary. Parents move. Remarriages happen. Families grow. The needs of children evolve as they grow up. Thankfully, it is possible to adjust custody and support accordingly.

At the Law Office of Michella K. Melton in McKinney, our lawyers are committed to making the necessary changes as quickly as possible so you and your family can move on with your lives. Our more than 15 years of experience means we are well-versed in determining whether your situation qualifies for a modification and, if it does, moving your case through the system efficiently. We assist with modifications of CHILD CUSTODY, CHILD SUPPORT and spousal support.

Changes To Child Custody Plans

Changes to child custody plans are often required because of a change in work schedule. Perhaps you or the other parent has switched shifts. TEXAS FAMILY LAW allows for modifications in the event of a substantial change in circumstances. Be aware that, even if the other parent agrees to the change, you should have the change documented and the agreements updated to ensure that you are protected in the event of a dispute.

Relocation is a distinct type of modification. If you or the other parent wants to move away with the child, proper procedure must be followed. The court will want to see that arrangements are made to protect the child’s relationship with the parent who is remaining in the original location. We can help you if you are interested in moving away with your child. If the other parent has moved away with your child or is threatening to do so, we can educate you about your remedies and seek to stop the move-away.

Changes To Child And Spousal Support Payments

When paychecks change, support payments may need to change as well. This is true whether there has been an increase or decrease in pay. Job loss or a substantial pay cut may require a reduction in child support payments. A raise or promotion may require an increase. Remarriage may spark an end to spousal support payments. Our attorneys can help you take the steps needed so that payments continue to be fair.

Need To Make A Modification?

Learn how our experience can ease you through the modification process. Call 214-449-1900 or send an email to talk to a trusted lawyer.

Find Out How We Can Help You

Put the Law Office of Michella K. Melton on your side!

Want to find out how we can help you get the results you need? Call 214-544-9045 or complete our contact form to schedule a meeting at our McKinney law office.

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The Kastel Building in Adriatica
6951 Virginia Pkwy, Suite 313
McKinney, TX 75071
Phone: 214-544-9045


By Appointment Only
Phone: 214-544-9045